The all new 24/7 Hose Help Hotline – Drum Roll Please

June 7, 2022

Oh yes folks, you read that heading right. Your eyes do not deceive you. Through the wonders of technology and the continued relentless pursuit of excellent customer service, American Hose and Supply is very excited to announce the roll out of our 24/7 Hose Help Hotline. If it’s 2AM on a Sunday and you simply cannot wait one more minute to get your hose and fittings issue fixed, you can now reach us.

American Hose and Supply wants to leverage everything we have at our disposal to make solving your hose issue as easy and quick as possible. In keeping with this idea, you can now text us over a picture of your hose, something you found online, or even a picture of your pet (We love doggo pics! Who’s a good floofers?) Below for review are the two means of contacting one of our specialists 24/7. This explanation is probably not necessary but we’re doing it anyway.


If there ever should be a case a new day of the week is legislated into existence, we would be available that day as well. 24/7 (or 8), 365 you can give us call. Hydraulic problems do not stop a 5, so neither do we. A specialist will be available to help with your hose issue, take an order for pick up, or help change an order you have placed any time of the day. Certainly there are lots of companies that want to help, but American Hose and Supply wants to help WHEN you need help, and that’s not always during a weekday between 8 and 5. Call us anytime, we’re here and ready.


All you whippersnappers out there who would much prefer to text over calling, we got you fam. Sometimes a quick text is all you need to get an answer to a question. Examples:

  • What size hose is a -8?
  • How much PSI is 53 bar?
  • Where are you located?
  • What’s your favorite Steely Dan song?
  • Do you have a 3/8 ball valve in stock?

There’s no need to call if you’re in a hurry and just want some darn answers. We greatly value your time and what to make sure you get the right answer, right away.  Another great way to use our Hose Hotline is to text us a picture of what you need, what you think you need, what’s broken, or any visual aid that would be helpful to explain how we can best help you. Some examples of things to text over to get help fast:

  • A hose size you are unsure of
  • An end fitting that you need replaced or identified
  • Photo of a webpage that has the part you are trying to get today, right now
  • Any pictures of threads, angles, or something that helps describe what we need to make for you
  • A picture of you holding the hose you need
  • A picture of just the hose without you
  • A picture of you smiling (maybe giving a thumbs up or peace sign)

The saying that a picture is worth a thousand words certainly holds true when it comes to helping someone understand what you need. Remember, sometimes people will call the same thing something different (like raccoons being called trash pandas), so a quick texted over photo will help us know what you’re talking about, since that thing you’re calling it only your dad said.


The same number you call to reach American Hose and Supply during the weekday is the same number you can use to text or call 24/7. There’s no need to learn a new number, but keep our number saved in your phone as “Hose Help”  918-234-0585. It’s the same number, the same great experience, and the same great customer service since 1994. We like it when our customers enjoy their time with us, so we joke a lot, but we are very serious about helping, so now we are here whenever you need us, 24/7.

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