Helping you plumb up what’s under the sink (and why you hold the flashlight wrong)

January 26, 2023

There's all types of fluid conveyance components that are utilized in the very broad category of plumbing. While most of the time you may think of the pipes under your house, or perhaps images of a rapidly backing up toilet at a party come to mind. No? Just us? Well allow us to broaden your understanding of what all is utilized in plumbing and how you can get all these fabulous items from American Hose and Supply. Here's a list of commonly used items in the plumbing industry.

Compression Thread - Compression thread is finer than NPT thread. Typically compression thread is not simple a threaded coupling or adapter, as in it will not seat or seal off on its own. A compression thread is usually 3 parts, It's a trifecta of sealing perfection. The three parts are the threads, in which the tubing or pipe seats inside of, a ferrule, and a compression nut. you will see this commonly used with copper pipe, and in several types of tubing. The nut is first slid back onto the tube, followed by the ferrule. The tube is then seated into the fitting, which will have threads on the outside. the ferrule is essentially smashed when the nut is  fastened onto the mating threads, causing the compression ferrule to seal the tube and the fitting together. Look under your sink, more than likely you will see this fluid conveyance marvel at work.

PTFE Tape and Pipe Dope - Whichever team you are on, the age old battle of which helps with sealing better will never be settled. PTFE Tape, which stands for Polytetrafluoroethylene, commonly referred to as Teflon (a trademark of Dupont), is a synthetic material used to aid in the sealing of NPT threads. Pipe dope, is essentially the same, but in a paste from. The tape and dope is applied where male and female threads are mated together. The tape can come in different densities, which are better suited for different materials. a PVC or polyethylene thread is a great candidate for thicker tape ( usually yellow or blue in color ), while carbon steel and stainless steel threads will be perfectly fine with a standard or thinner tape applied. If you were to look into the tool bag of a plumber, you most certainly would see one of these handy items.

Braided Stainless Steel Hose - SAE 100R15, as well as 100R14, is commonly referred to as braided stainless hose, or some people may know it as just flex hose. We don't know the technical term, but the sprayer part on a kitchen sink is usually tethered to the water source by a hose of this making. The outer braid of this hose is excellent at preventing rust from forming, and the liner on the inside, which is usually a nitrile rubber or PTFE material, is excellent at handling both hot and cold media moving through it. Because of its flexibility and durability, you will usually find these hoses under your sink, hanging out with those compression threads . Another place this type of hose is used at sometimes is for washing machine hook ups. While a general service hose may work for this application, the superior temperature tolerance and bend radius of the braided stainless steel proves to be the preferred choice.

American Hose and Supply offers all of these items. We can even build your sink hoses to fit your design needs. So go ahead, buy that massive Nascar themed faucet, you know you've been wanting it. We will help you extend those hoses and sell you some sealing products so it won't leak, but we can't help you defend your design choice. You have been warned. American Hose and Supply is a great resource for CPVC, PVC, and polypropylene pipe, should you have a larger plumbing project you want to tackle. Our team is ready to help. Call us today!  

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