Oil and Gas - Two industries that are best friends with American Hose and Supply

January 2, 2023

You've heard it before, all the industry terms associated with oil and gas production; Oil patch, artificial lift, down hole, horizontal drilling, black gold, Texas T. The list goes on and on. Truth is, and regardless of your position on the matter, those dinosaur bones deep in our mother earth are the source from which we get lots of our energy. The exploration and extraction of those products is a massive industry. That industry leans on companies like American Hose and Supply to keep all types of petroleum products moving from deep in the sedimental primordial ooze, all the way to the fueling station. Now before we get too deep into this talk, it's important to note that what is being covered here includes hose and componentry that handles both refined, and unrefined petroleum products.

Here is a list of some of the hose and fittings products used in the Oil and Gas industry:

Oilfield Suction Hose - This hose can handle unrefined petroleum products, water, slurry, and some oils. It is used often to move crude media. Typically, this hose can handle 150 PSI, and a full vacuum. There's a set of helical wires that move through the hose, which prevents its collapse. In many cases, this hose comes corrugated, which increases its flexibility, i.e. bend radius. Oilfield suction hose almost always will have a blue stripe on the outer cover of the hose, which aids in visual identification.

Tank Truck Hose - Often called tanker hose, or red stripe hose, this is also a 150 PSI rated, typically corrugated hose. Tank truck hose can handle both unrefined and refined petroleum products. It is important to note that both this hose and oilfield suction do come in a version suitable for 300 PSI, though it is not always commonplace, but you better believe that American Hose and Supply has it in stock and ready to ship! Tank truck hose will almost always have a red stripe or red lettering on the outside cover. This hose is rugged and abrasion resistant, which adds to its appeal but also makes for a heavy haul if the hose lengths are long.

Gasoline Drop Hose - So to recap, Oilfield hose can handle unrefined petroleum products, tank truck hose and handle both unrefined and refined petroleum products, and this subject - Gasoline Drop Hose - can handle only refined petroleum products. For example - Ethanol, Diesel, and gasoline are acceptable products to use with this hose. This hose is usually black with an orange outer helix. Within the lining of this hose is a copper grounding wire, used to dissipate static electricity. You do not want a little spark mingling with the type of media that this hose carries. If it did you would have a very loud, hot, and unfortunate situation on your hands, or what used to be your hands..... This hose is used a lot on tankers that fill up  the underground tanks for gasoline at fuel stations.  

Valves -  Gate valves, ball valves, swing check valves, actuated valves, and a whole host of other types of valve products are absolutely critical when it comes to storing and directing the flow of liquid and gaseous fuels. These valves are usually accompanied by long spances of piping with all types of vats and routing stations in between.

High Pressure Hose - There is a whole host of hoses utilized in oil and gas extraction. Many of these hoses have to be able to withstand thousands of PSI. For example, you may have heard the term slim rotary hose - which is a type of hose used for mobile drilling applications. Typically, these hoses are larger in diameter (2.5 - 4 inches) and have a max operating requirement of approximately 3000 PSI. This hose, as well as other industry specific hose products such as kelly hose, jetter hose, or final drive hoses, all have a multi-spiral wire construction, and are designed for pulsating swings in pressure, over long periods of time.

If the only thing you know about oil and gas is that you think you look good in a hard hat, and love the movie there will be blood, then call the experts at American Hose and Supply. We can help you sort out what hose and valves you need to turn that oil and gas into some gold.

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