Industrial Hoses: So Many Types, So Little Time.

December 24, 2022

Say, did you know American Hose and Supply carries just about every type of industrial hose you can think of? Well you do now! There are several different types of industrial hoses, each with their own specific use and application. Typically, Industrial hoses will be rated for much lower pressure than hydraulic hose, but will carry a much wider array of media through them. Some of the most common types of industrial hoses include:

  • Air hoses: These hoses are typically used to transport air or other gasses, and are commonly found in pneumatic systems or in air compressors. Air hoses are typically made of rubber with a rubber outer cover, but sometimes they come in a PVC material, or a blend of materials. Air hoses are used in tire shops, your garage, and all types of industrial facilities that use air for tools or material handling.
  • Water hoses: Water hoses are used to transport water or other liquids, and are often found in gardening or landscaping applications, as well as in industrial settings such as factories or warehouses. Water hoses are typically made of rubber or other flexible materials, and can come in different sizes. Typically, water hoses such as a garden hose, are ⅝ in size, but depending on the application that size will vary. 
  • Chemical hoses: Chemical hoses are designed to transport chemicals or other hazardous materials, and are typically made of materials that are resistant to the specific chemicals being transported. Chemical hoses are often used in industrial settings, and are often made of rubber or other flexible materials. Two very common types of Chemical hoses are commonly called UHMW, or XLPE. UHMW stands for Ultra Heavy Molecular Weight, while XLPE stands for Cross-Link Polyethylene. Both can handle a wide range of acids and chemical mixtures, but it’s critical to make sure whatever media you are moving, you make certain the hose you will be using can tolerate it. 
  • Steam hoses: Steam hoses are designed to transport steam, and are often found in industrial settings such as factories or power plants. Steam hoses are typically made of NBR rubber, but specifically, there are compounds in the construction that are built to withstand temperatures that exceed 300 degrees Fahrenheit.  
  • Welding hoses: Welding hoses are used to transport welding gasses, and are often found in welding or metalworking applications. Welding hoses will oftentimes come in a twin line setup. This is two hoses bonded together. Usually one will be oxygen and the other will be acetylene. This is very common, though not always the case.
  • Fuel hoses: Fuel hoses are used to transport fuel or other flammable liquids, and are often found in automotive or aviation applications. Fuel hoses are typically made of EPDM or Nitrile, and can come in different sizes and lengths to suit different needs. Filler necks on large machinery would be a common application for fuel line. (A filler neck is the tube that goes from the fuel door to the gas tank, FYI) 

Overall, the different types of industrial hoses serve a variety of important functions, and are essential for many industrial and commercial applications.Think of it this way: Is that hydraulic fluid moving through the hose? No? Then it's most likely going to be in the family of industrial hose. If you need help identifying which industrial hose will be best for your application, please contact us today here

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